Our Programs
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Does your program offer scholarships or financial aid?
- Memphis Entrepreneurship Academy does not offer scholarships and/or financial aid for any of its program. Compared to many summer and Saturday enrichment programs for students, Memphis Entrepreneurship Academy’s registration and tuition fees are competitive yet affordable. Tuition is broken down into a per week cost for affordability and payment convenience. For information on how to make payment arrangements, contact Kelly D. Price at (901) 451-2900 or memphisacademy1@gmail.com
Q: What if my child is not able to attend every class? Should they still be registered for the program?
- Memphis Entrepreneurship Academy understands that children may have other extracurricular activities and obligations during the summer and the school year. If your child(ren) will miss more than two classes per semester during the school year or more than 4 classes during the summer program, MEA may not be the program for your child at this time. MEA’s programs are designed on a building block platform. Each concept discussed builds on another concept and the children work individually and in teams to complete tasks and goals. We do not want children to become discouraged because they are unable to keep up with the pace of work due to absences, regardless of the reason.
Q: If my child has to drop out of the program, will I receive a refund?
- Refunds for tuition are NOT given if the student withdraws from the program, regardless of reason. A withdrawal fee will be billed to your account regardless of notification of withdrawal from program. Withdrawal fees are $175 for each semester that the child was registered.
Q: Why do I have to pay a registration fee?
- The registration fee for summer and Saturday programs guarantees your child’s or children’s place in the program. If the program reaches capacity, you will be wait-listed when you register. Payment of registration fee while on the waiting list ensures that you will be given first priority if a opening occurs during the current program schedule and your child will also be given priority for the next program. Refunds of registration fees are given if programs are filled to capacity. However, if a refund is given, the student is taken off the wait-list and their spot is not held for the current program or the next program. Students who have participated in our programs in the past do not have to pay a registration fee and are automatically enrolled in our programs.
entrepreneurship principles to develop children’s creativity and increase scholastic aptitude. Our programs build confidence and teach children to understand the world around them so they are equipped to be a contributing and productive citizen once they reach adulthood. At MEA, we create an environment where children can get the tools they need to thrive!
Check out our programs and GIVE YOUR CHILD AN EDGE!