Benefits of Technology & the Right Kind of Screen Time for Children by Kelly D. Price
When talking about the benefits of technology for children, is there cons to exposing kids to technology? Of course. Like all things, there has to be a good and a bad. But remember this the bad usually stems from abuse and extremes. Eating pizza is good. Eating a...
Technology can help kids learn, but only if parents and teachers are involved by Kelly D. Price
Educational psychologist Dr Benjamin Bloom wanted to understand how people learn. So in 1965 he and his colleagues created Bloom’s taxonomy: a system for identifying, understanding and addressing learning. They came up with a system that’s composed of two elements:...
4 Emerging Trends in Educational Technology by Kelly D. Price
Each year, it is exciting to take a look at the emerging trends in education and speculate on how edtech will continue to impact student learning in the future. Across the country, students often arrive at school armed with their own devices...
The job market is constantly changing. In fact, 65 percent of the children entering primary school now will ultimately work in a job that doesn’t exist today, according to one popular estimate reported by the World Economic Forum. The question becomes, how do we...
These countries are best at preparing kids for the jobs of the future
When asked which skills the children of today will need to develop to keep their jobs safe from automation, employers often highlight so-called “soft skills”, a suite of attributes that include social abilities like networking, communication, negotiation,...